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2019 week #11

Spending lots of time at Grandpa and Grandma Fiechter’s, soaking up all the cousin time we can with our away family.


There are lots of fun things at Grandma’s house….like a drinking fountain to play in……

……and a frozen swimming pool that Grandpa lets you walk on.


After a long weekend of fun, it’s a little rough getting back to “normal” life.

and what I thought was a good parenting demonstration ended up with Sunny wailing in bed.  Oooops.  I’ll have to try a more tender approach next time.


Lovin’ the spring time showers – or more accurately, puddles.


Fly girl


This girl lives for snack time … and meal time …. and snack time again


A story from Wren, sounded out “all by herself”

From what I can decipher, it goes something like this:

Tom cat was the best at the talking so everyone liked him. The end

The boys have been waiting – for years – to watch their first Star Wars movie.
It was my first time too, and I have to say, I was a little underwhelmed.  I think my face was scrunched up half the time at the weirdness of it all, plus trying to figure out how on earth Star Wars has generated such a cult following.


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