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2019 week #12

Dressed and ready for another cub scout derby race.

Say hello to the fourth place finisher – great job Cline….and Clint!


Some days, Indie just carries this framed picture of her daddy around the house with her, stopping every once in a while to hug and kiss it.

She loves her daddy.


How to miss the giant mud puddle at the end of the slide……

jump off the side….

legs spread realllllly wide……

or just close your eyes and hope for the best!


“This is my best meal!”



Even though the boys groan and complain when they have a drawing assignment in school, I think Cline did amazing on his ancient ninja warrior.


Indie has taken potty training into her own hands, and it’s been a bit ugly.

She fills her diaper …… undresses herself ….. and takes herself to the potty.  I also caught her trying to clean her skid marks off the toilet seat with Clorox wipes.

“Mom!”  Cline hollered down the stairs disgusted, “Indies running around nude!”


“I’m afraid that when I’m a mom, I still won’t like hardly any food, and I’ll have training wheels on my bike,” Wren confided to me at bedtime.



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