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2019 week #13

“Stop ‘line!”

On the one hand, he picks on her like none other

On the other hand, they’re the best of buddies


I love the way Wren’s hair curls at the ends, how she can spend hours each day drawing, and seeing the creativity that emerges.


Dancin’ in the sun


Ok, seriously, these shoes are the best.  I bought a pair for Sunny and Wren last year, and they wear the all.the.time.

Now I can’t speak for all the look-a-like brands, but a lot of shoes give my kiddos blisters, even Crocs, but these are the bomb.


This month, we set up an email address for Hudson and Cline, and you wouldn’t believe the number of messages that have been flying back and forth between him and his buddies …. mostly about football and football cards.

It’s not a free service, but so far I’ve been impressed with the parental controls on Zilladog .  Basically, the boys only receive emails from addresses approved by me, and I also have the option to be blind copied in on all the goings on …. just in case I want to stay up to date on football and the inner workings of middle school boys.


My early morning riser.

Her first words, after hollering “Mom!  where are you?!” until I get her up from her crib, are a very loud and very demanding “EAT!”

I’ve learned to have a bowl of cheerios ready and waiting for this poor hungry child, and then our morning progresses quite peacefully.


“up, ‘k mommy?”

Indie does not lack for confidence.

Sundays afternoons are made for family games

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