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2019 week #17

football time again

Indie has gone from being insanely jealous when I hold baby Jax, to wanting to be the only one who gets to hold the cutie pie.


All the baking for our upcoming garage sale…..

Hudson and Cline have to pay me for the ingredients they use.  (’cause one year they made more $$ than I did )

Sunny just had to donate free granola bars for our breakfast. (’cause who’s got time for that on garage sale day?!)

Wren got a free pass, but she took her coffee making very seriously.


The kids took turns manning the goodie table.  Hudson offered to pay Sunny $10 if she took his shift, but I think she was so excited that she would have done it for free.

As i was getting ready in the morning, I heard Wren up running the coffee grinder.  I think the resulting coffee was a touch strong, but I like it that way.


My cake baking buddies.


Its a loyal soul who would dress up and brave the cold to cheer on her big brother at his football game

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