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2019 week #22

It was a bittersweet day.  Indie woke up, and only wanted Sunny- not her very own, very bestest friend of a mother!


Because you can’t go to grandma’s and come home without your cousins along for a slumber party…..

Grandma Suzie’s cotton candy


Happy Birthday Wren!

All she wanted was a bird for her birthday, so we got up, picked up her cousins, ate donuts, and bought a bird.

Meet Ocean, a Budgie Parakeet who’s pretty scared to be in our very lively, quite loud household.

Because of a local tornado, changes of plans, etc., we ended up down at my parents for Wren’s birthday instead of staying home, again bringing more cousins back with us for a three day slumber party!

All in all, a pretty good day for this sweet six year old!

These two think they can do anything …. a scary thought …..

I was ordered “Out!” of the bathroom, and assured that they could handle it.


There’s a new Indie helper in town.


Cline and Bo were great help installing a sign with Clint.


Baked donuts for a crowd.


Due to our somewhat crazy schedule, Wren had a belated birthday cake.  I guess it just stretched out the fun.

Oh, and she’s been living in her new swimsuit for about 4 days and counting.  Laundry should be a breeze this week ……


Cherry seed spitting contest.

Hudson ruled … Indie drooled

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