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2023 week #39

Another Monday, another aerial silk class. The girls each made up a routine to music, and they all did soooo well.

These girls are strong!



In case you can’t tell, Indie is over the top excited to be a flower girl come spring …. and a bit nervous too.


Is it just us, or are middle school girls nation wide infected with this slime making craze?!  I find it in packages, ziplocks and small plastic containers everywhere.




Senior picture night with two impeccable photography assistants


Cline’s “survival night” in the woods with friends.  He suffered a minor knife injury, but all in all had a great time.


Indie and Ivy have a love / hate relationship.  Both of them being the smallest members of the Gerber household, they have similar happy attitudes, but Ivy’s energy put Indie to shame.  Ivy loves to chase and pick on Indie, nip at her clothes, and pull her shorts down; hopefully she grows out of this stage quickly, ’cause it sure makes Indie scream to be “pantsed” by a puppy!

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